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CAD CAM technology (where CAD is “Computer Aided Design” and CAM “Computer Aided Manufacturing” ) is constantly evolving and offers certain advantages, such as: increasing the efficiency of dental treatment, standardization prosthetic restorations, development of new groups of materials and concepts of dental treatment.
This technology can be associated with the prosthetic restorations obtained by milling, so a customized design is made for each clinical case. It is ideal in the manufacture of restorations of the: inlay, onlay, overlay, coating crowns, ceramic facets, dental bridges, orthodontic appliances but also surgical guides.

The CAD CAM systems are made up of 3 components:
1. Scanner: transforms the images taken from the oral cavity into data to be processed by the computer;
2. Specialized software: it processes the data taken from the oral cavity and helps to design restorations;
3. Production (milling) unit: transforms the processed data into a finished product

Starting from 2017 Finesse has adopted a complete CAD CAM technological flow that is based on taking the fingerprints with a digital scanner, but also on the software related to it which conceives the restoration on the computer, the restoration that finally becomes final in a milling specialized center.